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Andrew Mackenzie

Andrew Mackenzie known as old urchin. In 1999, He founded his own name brand in Italy. Early, He fused art, music, history and Welsh's "rock opera" element with a unique design concept to give the brand personality and soul, and among the ranks of the world.

Later, He was deeply influenced by Le Corbusier's artistic creation and paid more attention to the embodiment of the extraordinary process details in the concise profile. In this year's show, he used this design ways such as stitching, cutting and art graph to change the balance. Each pieces clothing has their own life and thinking, stand unique mark in the nature society. So Andrew Mackenzie's design is a elaborate to its owner, under the rich and multi-faceted. As their life attitude, integrate into but not blindly.

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Shoppes at Parisian

쇼핑몰 영업 시간

일요일 – 목요일 오전 10:00 – 오후 11:00
금요일 – 토요일 오전 10:00 – 자정 12:00
*개별 매장 영업 시간은 다를 수 있습니다.



321 매장

전화 번호

+853 2877 0560

브랜드 스토리
Andrew Mackenzie was born in Welsh, Britain, graduated from London College of Fashion, and studied in art design. His works are alomost concerned by the international fashion group. After graduation, he started to work in New York and Paris.

In 1997, Andrew Mackenzie set up a record company named after his name..Then he integrated the symphony, the musical, and the different types of music., and used original music style to interpret his  own stories. In 1999 Milan fashion week, Andrew Mackenzie launched his own clothing line.for the first time.. For the show, he combined the special muic with luxurious stage effect which cocaused quite a stir. "Brilliant, innovative, and amazing". These words are described by the media in the world of fashion for his brand. Then he immediately became the most popular designer in Milan.
Andrew Mackenzie Style
Andrew Mackenzie, he used this design ways such as stitching, cutting and art graph to change the balance.
Paiza Lofts
Paiza Lofts
편의 시설